The Observer



The Observer is a United Kingdom newspaper that has been in circulation since 1791. It was the world’s first Sunday newspaper and has continued to be a source of news, opinion and entertainment for readers ever since. The paper focuses on politics, current affairs and culture both at home in the UK as well as around the globe. 

The Observer covers many topics including business, lifestyle, sports and travel with its award-winning journalism team delivering unique insight into issues that matter most to their readership. They also produce special editions such as ‘Observer Woman’ which provides content specifically tailored towards female audiences; this includes interviews with inspiring women from all walks of life along with fashion advice columns from industry experts. 

In addition to print media The Observer also produces podcasts featuring journalists discussing topical events alongside providing access to an online archive containing over 200 years worth of articles giving users an unparalleled opportunity for research into past stories or opinions held by past contributors throughout history . All these features make The Observer one of Britain's leading newspapers today offering something for everyone who picks up a copy or visits their website each week.