New Delhi Times



The Hindustan Times Group publishes the daily broadsheet newspaper The New Delhi Times in India. It was founded in 1931 by freedom fighters and India's first Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, with the intention of serving as a voice for the masses. The "New Delhi Times" has been relaunched after 75 years with new features, design, and format to make it more contemporary and reader-friendly. The New Delhi Times is a digital publishing destination in India's National Capital Region. The newspaper aspires to be a source of news, analysis, and expert opinion on issues such as politics, business, and sports.

The website is aimed at readers who are interested in a better understanding of the people and events that shape their lives. The newspaper strives to help its readers make sense of what’s going on around them by providing comprehensive daily coverage of politics, business, and sports in the region. It is committed to reflecting the diversity of voices from across the region and beyond while upholding high journalistic standards. The New Delhi Times is a great example of the use of infographics. The infographic on the website is an excellent way to engage readers and keep them coming back for more. The infographic was created by Yvan Rodic, who has extensive experience in creating data-driven content. He combines his knowledge of design with his interest in data to create informative visuals that are appealing to the eye and informative to the mind. The New Delhi Times has taken its infographic even further with the incorporation of sound into its content.