Die Tageszeitung



Die Tageszeitung, also known as taz, is a German newspaper that was founded in 1978. It is based in Berlin and is known for its left-leaning and progressive views. The newspaper has a daily circulation of around 50,000 copies and is published in tabloid format.

One of the distinctive features of taz is its layout, which includes a mix of articles, opinion pieces, and news from around the world. The newspaper is known for its in-depth coverage of social and political issues, and it often takes a critical stance on government policies and corporate practices.

In addition to its print edition, taz also has a strong online presence, with a website that is updated multiple times a day. The newspaper's content is also available through its mobile app.

taz is owned by a cooperative, which means that it is owned and controlled by its employees. This structure allows the newspaper to maintain its independence and editorial freedom.

Over the years, taz has gained a reputation for its investigative journalism and its coverage of social and political issues. It has won several awards for its journalism, including the German Environmental Award and the Grimme Online Award.

Despite its small circulation, taz has had a significant impact on the German media landscape. It has played a role in shaping public opinion and has helped to bring important issues to the forefront of public discourse.

In addition to its journalism, taz is also known for its cultural coverage. It regularly features articles on art, music, and literature, and it hosts events such as concerts and book readings.

In summary, Die Tageszeitung, or taz, is a German newspaper that is known for its left-leaning and progressive views, its in-depth coverage of social and political issues, and its investigative journalism. It is owned by a cooperative and has a daily circulation of around 50,000 copies. Despite its small size, it has had a significant impact on the German media landscape and has won several awards for its journalism.