The Australian is a broadsheet national daily newspaper published in Australia. It is owned by News Corp Australia, which is a subsidiary of News Corp. The Australian published its first issue on 15 September 1964, under the ownership of Sir Keith Murdoch. It was founded as a conservative alternative to the two existing mainstream newspapers in Sydney, The Daily Telegraph and The Sydney Morning Herald.
In March 2004, The Australian announced that it would be moving from a broadsheet to a tabloid format. This change was controversial, and some commentators accused the paper of pandering to the interests of its owner, Rupert Murdoch. The Australian's editorial stance is generally conservative and pro-business.
The Australian is based in Sydney, but it also has offices in Canberra, Melbourne, and Brisbane. It is available online at
Address: News Corp Australia
Locked Bag 3
Sydney South NSW 1230
Phone: +61 2 9777 6000